What jobs cand you get at 13?

Ok, so I really want money, therefore I really need a job. Sadly I’m only 13, and I don’t know any available jobs for 13 year olds.

Answer #1

babysitting, raking leaves, doing odds and ends for parents, any chores… lemonade stand?? hahaha, classic. xD tol. ^_- there’s not too many jobs as a 13 year old…but if you wait until you’re 16… it’s like, BAM. so many jobs. xD ahaha. x]

Answer #2

babiii sitting datz what I do and am 13

Answer #3
Answer #4

Good idea! I never thought of that. Plus, I love little kids!

Answer #5

babysitting, probably?

Answer #6

I rake leaves, mow grass, shovel snow, etc its like $20 per yard

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