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What is your opinion on bittorrent?
Months ago I had limewire, then my computer got a virus and limewire pretty much attacked my computer to the point I couldnt even use it. The guy that fixed my computer suggested I use bittorrent and so have a few other people. Has anyone had a problem with it? I dont need my computer to get messed up AGAIN. haha thankss :)
Had a few problems with it but not many. Got the BSOD once but besides that nope.
I’ve been downloading via torrents for years and years and never has anything bad, virus or bsod type thing happen…
if your new to the whold game of torrents this is what you need, its what I use and the new version released a few days back is the dogs cojones: http://www.utorrent.com
for finding what torrent I want I use btjunkie: http://btjunkie.org
and foe the extra trackers for extra speed: http://www.torrentz.com
and I search all via: http://torrents.to
Top tip:… read the reviews of the torrent before downloading it so you know your not getting a virus.
Torrentz never worked well for me. Theres also piratebay and Isohunt that are good torrent sites :Dbut yes I completely agree read the reviews before hand.
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