What is your best and worse of 2009 ?

Best: Seeing paramore in the n.I.a birmingham (: Meeting ravennn (: Facing my fears (heights)

Worse: Loosing my nana,close friend and recently a family friend shawn =/ Being crushed in a mosh pit when you me at six came on during paramore d:

Answer #1

Best: Meeting someone Worst: having to stop school

Answer #2

Best: Something good probably happened to me but I can’t remember it at this moment in time.

Worst: I’ve been in hospital a lot this year and the year is ending which means I’m getting closer to my coffin:(

Answer #3

best: Got to see my bff that I’ve haven’t seen in a year. I got a new cellphone and I got my hamsters!

worst: I got A LOT of problems with my school friends.

Answer #4

best: having school be a good place and not be a pain to go to everyday. And having some people being there for me.

Worst: I would say my dad bein taken away myb rother being in bed one more year having so manny reports to cps and a whole bungh of thigngs getting just out of control

Answer #5

best: getting a boyfriend.riding on the batman at 6flags for the first time.having random fun

worst: loosing my grandpa.having all the school drama.stuid crap that mkes you mad

Answer #6

good: flyleaf and paramore came out with new CD’s (:

Bad: evanescene didnt come out with a new CD yet


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