what is wrong with me? I feel so sick! I don't know what to do?

I have a headache.. its like, my brain is trying to come out of my skull.. I’ve had headache like these for about a year now.

also, all of my muscles are hurting. and I get these sharp pains near my ribs/chest.

the muscles under my arms/near my chest are hurting terribly. the back of my neck/head hurts to. like I broke that part of my neck or something.

I feel so tired but I cant sleep. I try to sleep and everything feels as if its hurting worse.

whenever I get up after sitting down/laying down. my head starts throbbing and I get dizzy and cant move for a second.

and I start crying over nothing..

(I went and saw my boyfriend yesterday and we was sick. but he was only throwing up. im not.)

so im not sure whats wrong with me. I feel as if im dying..

all of this started last night. anybody know whats going on?

Answer #1

sounds to me like your dehydrated what you just described there all a lot of the symptoms lol it happens a lot in the army lol

Answer #2

well… meaby going to a doctor is the best thing you can do so you can be for sure of what this is…


Answer #3

if your not eating properly, that would explain the dizzyness and youd become weak and lifeless if your straving yourself but to find out for sure you need to see a DOCTOR because whats happening to your body is not normal, and its not healthy and only a doctor can diangose you and actually help you

Answer #4

Sounds like a bad case of flu. You need a docter. Xo:)

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