What is up with this?

Ok, this girl I started talking to. I got her phone number, have not asked her out yet. Sometimes she seems like she is flurting buy being talkative, smiling, ect and other times when I see her she ignorers me…

Whats up with that?

Answer #1

so anglefire, what dose it mean?

Answer #2

not to long ago I hung out with her and her best friend for a bit. I will ask her out for sure. I am leaving for 2 weeks then I said we should hang out when I get back and she said sure. so I will ask her out then. think she likes me?

Answer #3

Maybe she likes you, but doesn’t want her friends to know. Pay attention to who she’s with when she ignores you. If it’s her friends, that’s maybe why.

Answer #4

When someone ignores you one day then talks the next, isnt someone who is interested. Besides, talking, and smiling is not flirting.

Answer #5

shes waiting for you to ask you out try it

Answer #6

she prob likes you but dosnt c herself being wit u…could b wrong

Answer #7

If every guy I ever talked to, smiled at, and flirted with in school thought I liked them, I would have been dating a different guy every week. You cant assume that when someone talks, and smiles at you it means they like you. Talking, and smiling are friendly things to do.

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