What is up with my boyfrien and me an his friends?

Ok so we spend every day an night together no time apart but yesterday we hungout with our friends an at 8 p.m. He txted me and I told him I was watching a movie with my friend kaitlin an ill text him later an I texted him at 2 an an he txted me back later cause his phone wasnt by him an he was like tlking to me an acting mad cause he said he thought I was hiding somthin from him an I was llike what ever noo im not an he was like chill blah blah blah an itwasnt such a good night so I fell asleep woke up at noon an he texted me later sayin I miss you so much I feel like I havent seen you in a couple days an it was only a night an he was an I was like well we needed this space wewere arguing an stuff its ok werre hanginout tonight silly an he waas like I know im just sad I miss you an he was like im gonna stay with you alll week blah blah blah an then he picked me up from work an was like can I hangout with you for a little while an go hanogut with my friend nick an lee for a little bit an I was like just go now an come back later then I said I was gonna hangout with some friends an thats when we were txtin later an he goes ok baby have fun were hangin out tomorrow I love you an I was like I love you to an he was like do you want me to let you go or somethin an I was like yeah love ya byeee an he didnt text back an I said love you too.. An he goes im sorry I do it just seems like yyou dont wanna tlk to me an I don’t know whats going on what should I think or do just cause we havent hungout for two days! We only sae each other for 5 minutes!:(((

Answer #1

Weird… umm I guess you he is just feeling a little neglected you should probably plan to do something with him and then talk about it there so you don’t have further problems IN PERSON

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