What is this supposed to mean?

This is our conversation texting back & forth.

Me; what do you want for your birthday? Him; drug mooney >:( Me; aha seriously? Him; yes! Me; haha alright Him; no I dont! Me; haha okay then what? Him; nothing! Me; nothing? Him; correct! Me; ahh I would feel like a bad friend though Him; sooo Me; haha okay then, dont get mad at me when you get nothing. Him; :( Me; haha stop being so stubborn! :( Him; fine! Me; okay then what? Haha Him; I dont care! Me; I have no idea though :/ Him; mhmmm Me; ughh your so stubborn Him; why? Me; cause you wont tell me! Wait what was the thing you said you wanted in class today? Him; you hahah Me; haha oh wow. No you were saying something else, I just cant remember… Him; no thats what I said! Me; oh okay haha. But I cant give you that haha Him; fine! Me; haha and you know why so dont be mad! Him; no I dont! Me; we already talked about this Him; no, we did not! Me; yes, we did! Him; we did but you never gave me a specific reason Me; yeah, thats true, haha. Him; very! Me; haha yeah, well its not cause I think your fat cause your not… (we always joke about this) Him; then why! Me; haha well first, I think you are kidding about liking me, or are you serious (ha also has a girlfriend, that was going to be my second reason) Him; dead :d Me; aha dead serioud? Him; oh yah :d :d :o Me; haha no your not, Him; how would you know Me; I don’t know, haha Him; well I gotta eat then shower! So ttyl

Havent heard back from him.

Answer #1

First, you need an editor. The ability to summarize a story without literally repeating the entire exchange is a skill that will serve you well in the future.

Second, he has a girlfriend, so what do you care if he likes you or not? Act like an adult and stop flirting with him. To do otherwise is the epitome of selfishness.

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