What is this rash on my vagina?

Ok this is really imbarrising but im really freaked out about it. I have a rash on my vagina, I dont have it all the time though. It just comes sometimes. I’ve had it like 2 time before. It itches, its red, but it does really ever have bumps or anything, or not that I can see. Im 14 years old, I’ve had sex with one guy one time like 5 months ago, but he told me he didnt have anything and hes been tested before and he said he was clean, and he was really caring so idt he lied to me or anything. And we used a condom. Theres no way I could ever tell my parents so I cant go to the doctors for it. But im rearlly worried, so can somebody please help me! What could it be?

Answer #1

thanks everybody, so with all those comments im just ganna say its a alergic reaction, which would make sense cause I just got new underwear and everytime I wear them thats when that happens, I just reliezed that. thank you

Answer #2

You might have an allergic reaction to latex. It could also be razor burn.

Answer #3

It might be the washing powder your underwear is being washed in - maybe you are allergic or sensitive to it? Do you shave down there? If so it might just be your skin reacting, as it is a sensitive area of skin, not like your legs where it’s easy enough to shave. Are you putting any kind of cream like moisturiser down there, or washing with soap? Because that can also irritate the skin down there, you are not supposed to really put anything like that on it unless it is designed for that purpose.

Answer #4

You should talk to your mom and see if you can’t find out what it is.

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