What is This Dark brown stuff coming from my pee hole?

I Have watched porn and played with myself numerous of time I stoped for almost 2 months and then a dark brown stuff appeared in my panties. I thought it was my period but it wasnt. I realized it was coming from my pee hole(I am a girl). Could anyone give me answers before I go to the doctor?

Answer #1

how do you know its not your period?

Maybe it is but it showed up early (if you count days)

Answer #2

Go see a doctor first before anything serious happens…

Answer #3

If it’s coming from your pee hole, answer me this. does it burn when you pee? You might have a UTI . If it does burn, the bleeding is caused by pain without medical attention. I get UTI’s A LOT, because I don’t drink water barely ever (BAD HABIT I KNOW) But UTI’s can also be caused by being dirty, so if you touch yourself, make sure not to use random objects, and always always always wash your hands, objects or your boyfriends peen before insertion or vaginal touching. IF it does hurt to pee, but your still able to pee, go to walmart, or somewhere that sells over the counter stuff, and buy some AZO Urinary Tract pills. Take 1 packet, (should have two in 1 packet) and drink a large glass of water. When you pee, your pee will be a very dark orange, don’t worry that’s normal. If the blood doesn’t stop from the time you take the pill, til a week later, GO SEE THE DOCTOR. Something else could be wrong…Good luck!

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