What is this a sign of?

I had sex two nights ago this week of the 23 and I spotted blood when I went to the bathroom. but I just finished a cycle two weeks ago. The next night I ate something and a few hours later my stomach started hurting and sent me to the bathroom twice what is that the sign of?

Answer #1

There is no possible way you’d have symptoms that quickly, I’m not saying you aren’t pregnant because obviously if you had sex there is a chance but don’t depend on those symptoms because they wouldn’t have come that quickly if they were a result of conceiving. It could very well be your mind playing tricks on you, the flu, an infection, etc. When it comes time for your expected period take a test just to make sure :)

Answer #2

As for the spotting, I’m trying to figure out when you had it. Was it the same night you guys were together or this week? If it was the same night it is not uncommon to have some spotting after intercourse. As for the GI issues, whAt did you eat? If it was a large amt of cheese and crackers ora large bowl of cereal with lots of milk which you drank all or you could have a mild lactose intolerance. If you ate a large greasy fast food meal or fibery vegetables that were raw you could be developing irritable bowel syndrome which is usually worsened by stress. Without a little more information its really hard to tell you anything.

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