What is this?

Well .. I’ve had this before and it went on its own after a coulpe of days .. And now its back .. And its like im bursting for a pee so I go to the loo and not a lot at all comes out and then when im finished peiin it always feels asif I have to push really hard and I hurts :( … So I have to just sit there till it ease down abit .. And also when I wipe myself theres like a browny colour on he tissue.

And no this is not my period’ imnot due on yet its about another 2 weeks away.

Any advice on what this meann ?

I also went to the doctors before when I had it which was like a week ago and its isnt a uti.

… :s:s:s

Answer #1

Sounds very much like cystitis. I’ve had it before so it sounds like that.

You have to drink lots of fluids so when you go to the toilet you do actually pee.

Although best to check with your G.P so he can give an accurate diagnosis

Answer #2

well that isn’t what cystitis is. Cystitis is urine related so if you got it and it was nothing to do with going to the loo it wasn’t cystitis!

Answer #3

It could be a bladder infection also. You need to go back to the doctors and tell them you are still having problems and they need to test for an UTI again and for a bladder infection.

Answer #4

na that isnt cystitis I’ve had it before ages ago .. ad it dont burn or nothing and it ont when I pee.. its just when im finished peeing its hurts my bladder area and my stomache

Answer #5

its was only like 3days ago they tested for it tho :l

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