What is the point of boobs?

Ok I know girls boobs have milk but why do little 12 year old girls have them you dont breast feed till your late 20’s? That makes no sense to me.

Answer #1

Umm, I’,m not sure this question is really okay for younger members so I’m gonna speak in real general terms. I’m no expert but I have spent a lot of time around horses and other animals. For all animals I know of the females start showing all the signs of being “ready” for sex, if you know what I mean, at a pretty young age, before it’s really ideal for them to get pregnant. Basically, “juvenile” horses, dogs, etc. are kind of the same that way. So, my guess is that juvenile girls are the same.

Answer #2

because in nature the younger you are the healthier you are so the sooner you are biologically ready to reproduce the healthier the offspring and the better chance of survival, Humans are just animals and the only reason it seems that young people shouldnt have those things in because society thinks children at that age shouldnt reproduce.

I don’t know the more we fight nature the more it seems to backfire, Since now were pushing people to wait even later, and later, and later to have kids and more and more children have suffered birth defects that probably wouldnt of happend if parents were younger

Not that im saying kids should get prego but if you want to have kids you should put your age into consideration

Just think about that…

the guru

Answer #3

its a part of life. thats when they mature thats why they’re there.you dont have to be a certain age limit to breast feed. as wrong as it may seem you can get pregnant at 12 years old… and you can breast feed at 12 years old

Answer #4

@ peppiegal: FYI the youngest mother is 4 years old

Answer #5

I dont tink 12 year olds have milk in their boobs until they become prego. its a way of life

Answer #6

A girl can get pregnant as young as 10 and breast feed.

Answer #7

my boobs started growin when i was 6

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