What is the most overrated musician ever?

Jsu t wondering…

Answer #1

boy, this is hard. in my top ten must be phil collins - great drummer but not a good singer or band leader.

Answer #2

Brittany Spears. I love her anyways.

Answer #3

the jonas brothers what a *ing joke they shouldnt have the right to bed called a band and as for hannah montana the only reason shes even heard of is because her dad had one hit song which was a sucky song anyways

Answer #4

Mariah Carey. Btw, Hannah Montanna and the Jonas Bros are not musicians. Also, Bob Dylan, Kurt Cobain and The Beatles are not overated.

Answer #5

I totally agree, Hannah Montana is sooo over rated and not to mention… annoying.

Answer #6

I agree Hannah Montana is the worst! lol…she along with The Jonas Brothers are the most over rated…

Answer #7

CÉLINE DION!!! I hate her voice its so …nasal. And she doesnt write any of her songs…

Answer #8

Bad as I hate to say it, Bob Dylan. He is a great artist, great lyricist, unique and trendsetting, but to find him atop countless lists as the greatest artist ever is blasphemous.

Answer #9

LOL the Jonas Brothers.

Nirvana is one of the best bands ever, not because their music was enlightening or complicated, but because they singularly defined grunge music.

Answer #10

Akon. He has to pair up with other musicians to turn out hit songs and rips off other crossover urban artists all the time.

Answer #11

Dave Matthews … all his songs sound the same and he mumbles.

xox Sika

Answer #12


Answer #13

I agree the Jonas Brothers.

Answer #14

Phil Collins, Rod Stewart. U2. They will never go away…

Answer #15

Overrated? kurt cobain.

Answer #16

The Beatles

Answer #17


Answer #18

Hannah Montana… if you can even consider her a musician.

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