what is the monetary value of the nobel peace prize?

what is the monetary value of the nobel peace prize?

Answer #1

Six Nobel Prizes are awarded each year in the areas of:

* Peace
* Chemistry
* Physics
* Medicine
* Literature
* Economics 

The prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who created the prizes in his will. He donated a sizable portion of his estate to fund the prizes and decided who would judge the winners of each award. He also named the five prize categories (Economics was added during the 1960s).

Today each prize is valued at over $1,000,000. The reason a Nobel Prize is such a “big deal” is not really the monetary value of the award, but the fact that the award has been presented since 1901, long enough for everyone to have heard about it. All six prizes are widely regarded as the supreme commendations in their subject areas.

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