what is the meaning of your name?

usually our name means somthing!! maybe an adjective, maybe a noun, maybe means nothing! so what about yours ?!!

Answer #1

My name is Allison and it means kind and caring.It’s french,I looked it up.

Answer #2

well my whole name (first middle and last) put together mean god like angel descending from the mountains =O

Answer #3

mine means pure and a virgin!! < lol weird… nayhoo I waont say mi name thou because kittys mi nickname and thats enough hints HAh =]

Answer #4

My name is another word for sunglasses and my name is in the word lampshade?LOL!

Answer #5

my name… andy meens manly, respected, loyal and giving.

Answer #6

the names Michelle and it means “like god”

Answer #7

My last name is Greinert. Don’t even try and pronounce it. you won’t get it. anyway, the root for my name comes from a German word meaning “a quarrelsome, bickering person” Apparently when my family was in Germany we had a real jerk for an ancestor.

Answer #8

My name is Carter it means= Transporter. Im a girl and I know its weird.

Answer #9

my name is Isabelle and when I look it up it has three different origins for this name and the exact way it is spelled it also has different meanings but I know my anme means considerate to god or pledged to god

Answer #10

Veronica is supposed to mean truth. It’s also that move in bullfighting where the matador swings the cape around to trick the bull. So, truthful? Or deceptive…? ;)

Answer #11

This is just a guess of what my name means.

William:Helpful, friendly, and there for those who need it the most.


btw:Not sure what Raven would mean

Answer #12

,my naames bob it means baa jk lol

Answer #13

My name’s Karen it means Pure.

Answer #14

I think mines is Linden Tree

Answer #15

Heaven Answers “what is the meaning of your name?”

Answer #16

my name is shalea and it means butterfly princess in the meadow. -_- fail.

Answer #17

my name is amber which is some kinda jewel but I looked up what it ment and it means protecter, healer : D

Answer #18

Daniel was some cat in the bible, a prophet I think it was.

Answer #19

well, mine is Moamen which means ( Believer in GOD ) its an arabic name == Moamen ==

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