What is the meaning of this?

Ok when I asked something about this on here awhile ago I was told that the “hard/tightish” area around the middle of my right boob was the milk gland thing. but my question is why does the right one feel a little different than the left one? The left feels a little softer. Is my right one developing a little sooner or is it because my period is about to come? And if it’s because of my period, wouldn’t the left one be doing the same thing? Any help is apperciated, so thanks to anyone who help =]

Answer #1

no- breast develop asymmetrically. its annoying, but its nothing to worry about! if you’re really concerned, go to your doctor and ask them to check it out. but I wouldn’t worry about it! :D

Answer #2

ok so this little “issue” is nothing major? That’s good… thanks so much melovesyouu =]

Answer #3

the nipple is the milk gland

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