What is the meaning of life?

Why do you think we are here? Do you think other sentient beings on Earth are conscious of their existence & question their purpose too?

Answer #1

My understanding/belief is what is indicated in the Bible: the meaning of life is to seek and do God’s will while we’re on this earth.

Answer #2

we evoled from monkeys. we are here compleatly randomly beacuse of a shift of climate in central africa 4 million years ago because of the formation of the hymalaian mountians blocking off rain to africa and all fo the jungles going away.

Answer #3

to grow spritually and try 2 overcome all the cultural crap we are faced with everyday…2 be able 2 look at ourselfs as one and not as individuals..like Lennon said: “we are all water from the same river”

Answer #4

The meaning of life is, to live and do whatever we please, in a dignified way, before our time is up. To me, life is a paradise if we choose to live it correctly. We must enjoy it to the fullest before it is taken away. Live with no regrets. And you shall be eternally blissed.

Answer #5

The philosopher Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am”. But I have convinced myself that there is absolutely nothing in the world, no sky, no earth, no minds, no bodies. Does it now follow that I too do not exist? No: if I convinced myself of something [or thought anything at all] then I certainly existed. But there is a deceiver of supreme power and cunning who is deliberately and constantly deceiving me. In that case I too undoubtedly exist, if he is deceiving me; and let him deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing so long as I think that I am something. So, after considering everything very thoroughly, I must finally conclude that the proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind. This might not answer the question for the meaning of life but it would give doubt to having other sentient beings, those lower animals on the evolutionary scale. The meaning of life is an elusive concept that has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific and theological speculation. It would depend on what approach you want to take and there are entirely too many to discuss here. “Google it” and you’ll see what I mean.

Answer #6

I used to think the meaning of life was to be happy and make others happy, but now I see that’s a fairly lopsided view. The best answer I can give at this point in time is this: the meaning of life is to feel, live, learn and expearience. But I still feel that answer is lacking. What do you do then?

Answer #7

I don’t think anyone knows a specific meaning of life. I think we are all here to do something different and we all have a different meaning. Besides if someone knew the meaning of life then we wouldnt have any faith in the fact that we are here for a purpose and then someone could just be like whatever someone else can do that in my place. You could be meant to help people, to be a great parent one day, to be a teacher, to make a difference. You just never know. So good luck in finding your meaning of life. Just a hint you usually dont have to search to find it. It usually finds you.

Answer #8

life is trying things to see if they work. life is 1 thing after another. life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood. life is a quest…

Answer #9

“Why “ is the meaning of life. The meaning of life is the constant search for answers. We as humans are always searching for answers and this search drives us to constantly survive thus ensuring life. so curiosity is the meaning of life. without the need/desire to find answeres we wouldnt be here. so… questioning what the “meaning of life is” is the meaning of life.

Answer #10


(you should probably go and watch hitchhikers guide to the galaxy now lol good film!!)

Answer #11

The meaning to Life would be what ever meaning that you give it..Everyhting is about how it is that you look at it and percieve it… our existence wouklld be no different then any other veiw point.

Answer #12

Without life you would have never asked that Q and I the emogirl 17 is right everything.

Answer #13

I personally dont know. I have been wanting to know the same thing.. but I guess the meaning of life is to fall in love, be happy, and re-prouce? idontknow.

hope I helped enough..

Answer #14

I think the meaning of life is your own opinion of life. Whether it sucks, whether you really enjoy it, or whatever. So EVERYONES meaning of life is different. It’s your own indivudual choice. I dont know if that made sense, but it did to me. So make up your OWN meaning of life :)

Answer #15

it is just to live and die

Answer #16

The point of life is to live it. To quote Limp Bizkit “Life’s a lesson, you’ll learn it when you’re through”. It may be a mediocre band, but that’s spot on if you ask me.

Answer #17

happiness, health, love is what I think is the meaning of life

Answer #18

I think it is up to us to find meaning in life. Natural selection expects us to try to survive and pass on favorable traits; anything beyond that is up to us.

Answer #19

I love what these people say about it. www.abraham-hicks.com enjoy

Answer #20

The meaning of life is to EAT, DRINK, AND BE MERRY! just to be happy, nice, and helpful.

Answer #21

In other words - We have no purpose =DDD

Answer #22

The meaning of life is made not found. However you choose to life you are making your own meaning.

Answer #23

don’t buy into religion b.s.

we tend to overthink this question, however darkwolfgirl summed it up quite nicely =DDD

Answer #24

Everything is the meaning of life? Hmmm

Answer #25

everything I guess wait I think. I don’t know. want to chat.

Answer #26

the meaning of life is totally 42.

Answer #27

mate feed kill repeat..slipknot album

Answer #28

Read the bible and you will see.

Answer #29

There is no meaning. We are simply links in an evolutionary chain. Our ability to “reason” and “think” is not pre-determined by God, it is a genetic mutation.

We are animals, nothing more, nothing less.

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