What is the best method for dog training?

How did you teach your dog to do their needs outside the house? I mean that they not pope on the floor?

Answer #1

You need to get a routine going… expample: my yorkie eats…then..I know whe will poop right after…so I block her off in the kitchen with her pee pad which is inside her doggy tent and she has to stay in the kitchen until she does her job. same in the morning…I carry her off the bed and put her in the kitchen until she make her big pee. When she slips and poops somewhere else in the house I put her nose in it tell her that was”bad” put her in her potty tent and leve her in the kitchen for punishment.

I would do the same with your dogs…get a routine going… block them off in the yard for poop time… when they complete they get to come back in…. if they pee/poop in the house tell them bad dog….and take them out in the yard block it off…maybe give them even a smaller area for punishment if they like being in the yard…cuz you don’t want them to think…Oh if I pee in the house I get rewarded and get to play in the yard… they are smart! when they do their job…make a big deal over it too give them a treat…a finger lick of butter is good too…just so they get praise. good luck…its hard I know.

Answer #2

use a crate. Try and use a crate. Pets will not usually go to the bathroom while in a crate. But as soon as you walk in the house, get the dog out and head straight to the grass. hope this works.

Answer #3

hey got that prob myself been trying to house break 2 pits cause they are 2small 2 put outside where i live it is 2 cold so it is hard i have to put them out for 20 min. every 2 hours and keep puppy pads all over the house rub the puppypad on the dogs hair to get their scent on it before u put it down and make sure they see u put it down good luck

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