What is the best fundation to use?

Ok I have bare minerals and I like it, buttt I have to really cake it on over my pimples to make them a normal color, and I find my self caking it on a lot and then running out of it fast, whitch gets my mom mad because its not cheap, so what is a better base of fondation to use for a teenagers skin?

Answer #1

Covergirl Clean Liquid Foundation is what I use. it actually works GREAT. lasts all day and I dont even have to cake it on. one thin layer is all you really need. its not shiney or oily either.

Answer #2

I use dream matte mouse by maybelline. It stays on pretty good, and it makes my skin smooth. I have also used trublend by covergirl it works good but it doesn’t last very long.

Answer #3

Pan stick by maxtactor is great when you have break outs it gives great coverage, lasts all day and is quite cheap to buy … Rimmel 16hr foundation is also very good… Xo:)

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