What is the Appeal of Hardcore Music

ok…I’m a metal head who is truly devoted to my style of music. But I have friends who keep trying to get me into hardcore music. Personally I hate it. I dont understand how people enjoy it. I personally tihnk it all sounds exactly the same. its all the same low tuned open notes played over and over with incoherent vocals. I personally see it as talentless music with nothing behind it except some ridiculous scene with an almost club-like vibe. all these people trying to push their music down your throat, and every band just playing the same sounds as the last band just to become popular. If someone could explain to me what the appeal is in hardcore music, and explain to me why it’s “so good” as my friends keep saying, I’d really like to hear it.

Answer #1

I mean like not really screamo, but stuff like umm…I guess you could call it that…stuff like …I don’t know I cant really think of what exactly you would call it other then hardcore. I mean just boring guitar, ridiculous screaming that makes no sense, not really screamo, but it’s “heavier cousin”.

Answer #2

when you say hardcore, do you mean like, clubland music? or screamo bands? sorry lol

Answer #3

I think you are taking this too seriously, I like both and I am a music snob. You are probably just listening to bad bands- thats a pretty big factor. Try Beloved, In the Face of War, At All Cost, or xLookingForwardx. Those are a good start with some having some metal riffs.

Answer #4

I like metal too but hardcore is a good stress releiver for me…yelling does wonders to make you feel better

Answer #5

I know someone shoot Darren Styles and Hixxy…ahhh!

Answer #6

this misunderstood world. explain hip-hop will you?

Answer #7

I love metal. but what the hell is hardcore??

Answer #8

the appeal of hardcore music is that it is a stress reliever and a brotherhood. You think it sounds all the same because it isn’t the kind of music that you are into. That seems to be the way it is with some of the genres that I am not into as well. I also think you have it twisted on all the bands trying to copy other bands to make it big. Any hardcore band that is in it for fame and money should get out now honestly because you end up losing money on records and tours most of the time. And yes some bands do take things from each other musically not really trying to copy them that is just their idea of good. When people listen to certain bands enough those influences are bound to come out in their music.

I don’t know I think you are just kinda boxing this very broad genre of music into a very small stereotype.

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