What is stressorexia?

What is it, its in a book im reading at the moment??

Answer #1

“Stressorexia” is the latest media-invented term to describe disordered eating behavior (remember drunkorexia and diabulimia?). Experts say that stressorexics are mostly working moms who might skip lunch one day to meet a deadline, but self-starvation quickly becomes a way of coping with the stress of juggling work and home life. And of course once the pounds drop off, the MILF talk starts–whether it’s compliments about losing baby weight or praise for juggling so much and managing to look so good.

More info at: http://5resolutions.blogspot.com/2008/02/stressorexia-affects-working-moms.html

Stressorexia is basically the effect of being too stressed to eat. Or not being able to because of the time. It’s starts by struggling to deal with homelife, work, or school.

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