What Is She Trying To Do?

My ex bfs new ex girlfriend still keeps him in her life. She has broken up with him at least 5 times, because she told me he is an ass to her! (they fight about anything and everything all the time) The last breakup has been their longest! (over 3 months) She had a new boyfriend for 2 months (he told me he wanted her because he heard she was “easy”)She now dumped him, because people told her why he was with her. Well, she was cheating on him with my ex boyfriend the 2 months they were together. She told me she didnt want her recent ex in her life anymore, but he just doesnt get it! The thing is, she STILL calls both him, and my ex. My ex tells people that him and her are getting back together again, and her her other ex tells people that they are getting back agian. What kind of game is this poor excuse for a girl doing? Why isnt she going out with any of them yet? My ex is the one who seems to be occupying all of her time, so why arent they boyfriend/girlfriend yet? I know that they still have sex, but she will flat out deny it. Even if my ex has told people that they are. She can keep the relationship for about 3 months, then seems to wonder off to some other victim!! (this is her 4th relationship is 2 years) Will her and my ex be boyfriend/girlfriend again?? Just curious!!! THANKS!!!

Answer #1

I totally understand this situation!…im going through a similar situation right now.

You should really talk to him…ya know- tell him what you think of her…he needs to know thats she being sneaky about things…he might think you are being jealous or something like that but seriously–>i know you care about him and he will realize thats why you told him everything. Youre just looking out for him and thats all you can do. if he wants to stay talking to her than he will have to deal with the pain.

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