What is love?

What is love? How do you know love even exists doesn’t it sound like a stupid question? But what I mean is how do you know if being in love is an obtainable feeling. You know how people say that here in love but later down the line they decide the love is gone? How do you know when you love someone your in love with them and your not just in lust? People act like they are so sure.

Answer #1

Love… such a broad question. To put it bluntly to me love is putting the other person (their hopes, desires, well being, etc) in front of your own. Pretty much making them priority in your life. Love is forgiving, slow to anger and easy to understanding. Love is always wanting that person in your life, right next to you.

Love is work and a commitment. The reason a lot of marriages fail is because they think they don’t love the other person anymore. Well, at the beginning of a marriage and any relationship they feel a fire. A burning passion to be with that person. Well, after a while that fire will die down (not go out). It is there where you see commitment take place. Not that its miserable, but it becomes more work involved. And people cheat because they think their out of love so that gives them an excuse… but C.S. Lewis wrote the perfect quote for that “Obedience (to a marriage) didn’t fail due to lack of love, but love failed through lack of obedience.”

How do I know it exists?… well if it wasn’t for my brother marrying his girlfriend of 9 years, I wouldn’t know what is. My parents divorced, fell in love twice both to end in flames. I’m about to go all christian on ya, but we were created out of Love, we were created to love. God exists… and if God exists, then so does love. For it is by his love for me, I’m gonna be in heaven. It’s also by his love, I am able to love others.

Love is also something we must learn as we grow. A 13 year old can’t comprehend the vast complexity and depth of Love. It is something we experience and grow up learning.

And you can typically tell the difference between Love and Lust. Lust is typically after the person’s body and things you can get out of that person. But if you desire the person on the inside as well as the person on the outside, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to keep that person around you and happy then that’s love.

Yes, it is obtainable. It is not easy, but it is possible.

I hope I answered your question.

Answer #2

alright love is something that is weird. haha. love just happens, you can’t force it you can’t make it, you can’t help it. but love is just a feeling, its a strong feeling. but feelings do come and go sorta speak. the thing in relationships about love is that you can’t know if the other is in love with you back. it is impossible to know. all you can do is hope, and as long as your in love with whomever is the more important thing. but many people just through the “love” word around in relationships but they really don’t know what love is nor how it feels.

Answer #3

In 1 Corin. 13, Paul describes it beautifully. Its too long to post, but when you get the chance, check out the bible. I believe it will answer eveything.

Answer #4

I love the my boy to peices. Every bit of him. I can’t explain why. It’s so many things. I love his smile, the way he looks at me, the way he makes me feel, the way he makes my heart gallop, the way he could make me smile on the worst day of my life, the way he laughs, it’s the look in his eyes when he looks @ his daughter, it’s the touch of his hand saying he’ll never hurt me. It’s how I know there’s no one else I would ever want to touch the way I touch him. The way everyone else just seems…not ugly…just no one catches my eye. I just . . . my world revolves around him!! He can make my week just by smiling at me! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Bursting at the seams! ~ <3 Hehe :)

But I guess the basic description of love is putting everything someone is ahead of who you are, and making them your priority. It’s when the happiness of another is essential to your own, when you want nothing more than their presence (not their body :P), and it’s just really instinctual.

Love is different for everyone though. It’s not tangible or sensible. It just is, and it IS great!!! Just be careful :)

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