What is it that pisses you off about people?

What is it that pisses you off the most about people? For me it’s when people judge other people with out knowing them and assuming somthing that wasn’t even in a question like so do like pizz? Yea I do but no I’m not going out with you that’ just pisses me off!

Answer #1

my bff pisses me off caue she has a boyfriend but still flirts wih all the guys I like

Answer #2

I hate it when people say they hate some celeb unless you know them dont hate I hear people callin miley cyrus a slt all the time and it psses me off

Answer #3

when im treated unfairly

Answer #4

I hate it, too.

Answer #5

Yeahh I would have to agree with you…I don’t like other people judging other people without even knowing em at all…I don’t like people that are like really slutty/preppy and they think there all that…it annoys mehh so much! And I don’t like it when they make fun of all my friends!!!

Answer #6

when you have a friend that is a guy and your friends instantly think yall like each other!also always getting interrupted

Answer #7

I hate the judging thing too. Oh and I hate how messed up our world is right now.

Answer #8

you’ll live. stop whining.

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