What is 'Homecoming' ?

And what’s ‘Thanksgiving’ ? They both sound like they’re written back to front…is the answer self explanatory??

Answer #1

No worries I was just wondering.

Its called English

Even in English…I didn’t know homecoming is a dance…stupid name for a dance anyway.

Yeah you TOOL

Answer #2

Just like soothsaying, longjumping, horsebackriding, waterskiing, snowboarding, icefishing, deepseadiving, and countless others…

Its called English

Answer #3

homecoming is a type of dance you go to once every year in high school.

thanksgiving is a national celebration during which most Americans gather to give thanks to God for their blessings.Family participation is notably inclusive ranging from the very youngest to the most senior.As is evidenced by the tremendous level of travel, significant effort is made by family members to gather for the Thanksgiving celebration.

Answer #4

captain assasin your the one that missed the point


Answer #5


…I think you’ve missed the point.

Answer #6

…maybe you should ask first.

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