What is he thinking?

Me and my boyfriend has been going strong for 2 years now and im wored if his changing, just latly he hasnt been the same like couple of years ago for instance he doesnt want to stay on the phone to me like he used to, another one is that he can be very snappy which he wouldnt dream of doing couple of years ago what is he thinking? Is the change a good thing because he is comfatable or into further detail I am scared if he is loving me less. Also im scared to lose him. Am I just being silly?

Answer #1

You can never tell with guys. He is changing obviously as everyone does but give him the space he wants. Ask him what does he want from you as in like if you are on the phone to much etc. Ask him how he feels about you and that you still love him very much. Find out what is bothering him and tell him no matter what it is that you will do the best you can to help him but you have to mean it. If he just needs space tell him okaii and let him come to you in his own time. Umm im not sure about the loving you less thing because guys are soo difficult to read, they SAY one thing MEAN another thing then Do another thing. I suggest looking up guy pyschology or something and how to read guy signals. it may help you a lot =)

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