What is happining to my mp3?

So I have a samsung yp-t9j. And I’ve had it for a while a coupla years lets say. It has dropped a couple of times but it usually works. Anyways- soemthings happened. Its not turning on. it was barley out of charge, and when I wanted to charge it- nothing happened. It didnt turn on to charge. Im not sure what can I do.. but we dont have time to go to the store and all that for them to fix my problem- its best if it can be solved at my house without going nowhere… you know? but can you please help me - websites dont help.. do you have an idea what I can do asap?? THANK YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!! :)

Answer #1

Time for an upgrade, black friday.

Answer #2

so the player does turn on?

when the charger is plugged in try wriggling the male around inside teh female at the end of the wire…

I had a phone do this once and that sorted out the charging..

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