what is going on with this guy?

so theres this guy that I have liked for quite a while, and we used to talk a lot but then some stuff got in the way and I wanted to stop liking him but I couldn’t but now I see him a lot at school and the other day he said “Hi Angela” but the day before I added him on a social site to see if we could get back to where we were but he declined it so now I’m confused. does he want to talk to me and be my friend again or does he not?

Answer #1

Well I cant really help you much because I dont see any detail in what happened to you guys. Maybe you should try talking to him about being friends. For starters. Dont be afraid that he might say no to being friends for whatever reason because your taking matters into your own hands. Imagine what he might be thinking on both accounts. Could he be wanting you to make the first move in person just waiting and thinking your too shy? Or not wanting to be your friend but your little attempts in trying is making him think your not trying hard enough? Try to be independant and take matters into your own hands and ask him in person.

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