What is going on with my boyfriend?

My boyfriend says he loves me and all, but he’s really hard to believe soemtimes. Before he wanted me all to himself and not hang with no one. Now summers here and he wants to be left alone more to his friends. He wants to get his fling back on. He used to always flirt with girls, and now that part of him is kicking back in. He’s becoming who he was. We’ve never been friends before and now he’s asking for the 2 months of summer to be friends. Also he had went to a party and I dont know if he cheated on me, he wont tell the truth. and keeps getting mad when I dont believe him. He says theres noone else for me. He doesnt trust nobody to take care of me. But I dont know if he really is telling the truth. He’s so flirty all over again. So we’re on break right now. what do you guys think?

Answer #1

ichibanarky is right, a break doesnt always mean that, but looking at what my friends have said to me about their past bfs, you might as well just split from him totally. Then he’ll see he can’t just have you whenever he wants you, and might realize just how special to him you really are :)

Answer #2

I think the break should become a full split.

He wants to have his cake and eat it too, so…he can fool around during the summer with all the girls he wants, and expect you to be waiting by his door like a loyal puppy when he’s done.

You deserve better and I know for a fact some other guy can take better care of you.

Answer #3


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