What is going on?

There is this guy I have been liking for ages and I think I still do. He’s a year older than me and I added him on a social site and msn to get to know him. After I added him on msn he asked who I am and we just started talking about random stuff but after few days my fren told him I like him. And he had this whole list of “hot girls” and I was one of them and he said that im 9 out of 10. (10 is the highest)And after he asked me questions like “ why do you like me? Do you think Im hot?” and after few days he would be like “ do you still like me?” then after few months I stopped talking to him then he asked me again if I like him but I didn’t answer me and he said that I have nice legs. Then we stopped talking for like 3 months. Then after summer, we talked again about random things. and it felt as if he liked me because he comforted me for this subject we were both bad at. But we NEVER said hi or talked at school. I just… I dont know I expected somthing to happen but no it didnt :( I like him and he have been my longest crush EVER. and he has a really ugly girlfriend. I mean seriosly.. shes really ugly. and he was OBSESSED over hot girls. Im not saying im hot but a lot of guys tell me Im hot.I just keep falling for him. this is why I need a boyfrend. To forget about the past and just go on with my life with a guy. Im depressed and sometimes I cry for no reason… I just… dont know what to do

Answer #1

He doesn’t sound like the greatest romeo if you ask me. The guy doesn’t even bother to say hello to you in school and all he can muster up after months of not talking is, you’ve got nice legs! On top of everything else , hes already taken. Seriously you got to get him out of your mind and find a guy that actually pays attention to you. I’m curious about why you would be attracted to someone so unavailable and so insensitive? Don’t you think it would be nicer to be with someone that likes more then your legs and that can actually talk to you when he sees you? I know that if someone treated me like that I’d be depressed too. It’s like running after an impossible dream, how depressing is that? I think you’re just a bit lonely and maybe that,s why you cry sometimes. Don’t let him get you down. Forget him and find someone that will be good to you and dry your tears instead of cause them.

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