what is going on here?

I had sex this past saturday, on halloween. and I bled afterwards..which is really weird. and it was kind of embarrassing because I bled during sex or whatever. and we didn’t discover until we turned the lights on. but anyways. after I got into my house, I was bleeding a little bit more. and then I threw up. I hadn’t ate anything that day. and now when I sit down it really hurts. whatcould be the deall.

Answer #1

alrightt, thankss(: but it wasn’t my first time. we;ve had sex like seven times beforee.lol(:

Answer #2

Some time when you have sex if he bust your cherry then blood will came out and it hurts probbly he did it 2 hard or is it your frist time?But as for threw up I dont know why

Answer #3

thats weird, but it could be dangerous. my advice…get checked about it. he could have gone in too far and hit something he shouldnt have.

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