what is coolaide

what ia coolaide how do make it

Answer #1

I think the blue-rasberry taste better so when you do try it get that 1 also make it as sweet as you like then put some in a plastic cup,freeze it and you got your self some kool-aid freeze cupz and if yu wanna make money sell em lol just kidden

Answer #2

thanks but im not a retard I know what a store is and I know the appliances in which to stir a liquid also it dosnt get sold in britain thats why I was asking

Answer #3

sounds good mate. (sneakykaykay wot about my comment)

Answer #4

Its a packet of powdered flavor you throw in some water with sugar. Its a big thing in america. Its the cheap family drink. My momma has made koolaid my whole life. I can’t stand it but my brothers and son love it. Its cheap, unhealthy, and like drinking candy. You can freeze them like stated above. They are sold around the price of 10 packets for a dollar.

Answer #5

read your coment!!

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