What is a nonillion?

What is a nonillion? Does anyone know?

Answer #1

That was one of the answers on 1 vs. 100 last night. I remember that. :)

Answer #2

A nonillion is 10^30. I tried posting you a huge list of numbers that was about 900 something pages but it kept freezing. It had every known number and even numbers I made up. All of the illion numbers and the infinity scrapers were on their. From 1 to a multillion and then I had infinity scrapers like Google, Giggol, Gaggol, Boggol, Troggol, etc. I couldn’t send it to you though because I guess it was too much information to send, 900-1000 pages.

Answer #3

million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion

Answer #4

I think it means 9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

Answer #5

million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion

Answer #6

it has 30 zeros

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