What is a hero?

What is a hero? Someone you waive all your pride and self respect to? Or someone you love unconditionally?

Answer #1

not entirely.. A villain is someone that is truly Unfathomable… Oh hey look I Deciphered villain with One word… A hero is somebody that you waive all your pride, and self respect too… Waiving Doesn’t necessary mean to “get rid of”.. nor does loving them unconditionally mean your totally infatuated by them.. It more simple terms.. A hero is make I like in a person.. not anybody else.. Some people Admire George W. Bush, I,however don’t share that same admiration in such a moron whose insubordination has fucked up to whole entire balance of life.. So he is their Hero, Not mine…

Answer #2

Ding Ding Ding… We have a winner… AH hahhh Thank you “ Fruitylicious” you set some elaboration to your answer a bit… A hero earns the title for what you see them as… not because you simply “admire” them… I “Admire” the Navy Seals, But their far from becoming a hero of mine.. Even though they work impeccable as a team, train efficiently, and, for what it’s worth are a highly trained group of mercenaries that Kill unfathomable beings…

when observing a question that desires an opinion for an answer, you can’t give a dull one sided answer… This applies in a lot of situations..

Answer #3

It’s really meant for confusion… A Rhetorical question is simply a question both Ty, and I should know. In English mostly I see so many errors… Plus, I’m just tired of running into so many disgusting, irritating, pointless questions… None of you are Idiots… Also, I apologize to “ty” I got a bit carried away, and can admit that my reaction was less than satisfying to hear.. I just cant stress how much some people miss attention to detail…

Answer #4

My hero is a person/s who has done things / deeds which allows other people to look up to them as an individual and who lives their lives being a role model you can copy with pride and self respect…A hero is someone who doesn’t profit at the expense of others. A hero who gives their time and energy to do good causes without seeking rewards for themselves, but they deserve every rewards and recognition given to them. :)

(EDIT) - - how can this be a rhetorical question and then you expect Ty to answer your question a bit more with her thinking caps on??? Now I feel like an idiot answering your damn question arhhh. :(

Answer #5

well when you think of a hero every one pictures a red cape and a whole load of lycra, now I’m not so sure.a hero can be anyone or anything and doesn’t really fit a mould so it’s hard to give you a definate answer but anyone that cares so deeply about helping other people or just doing something that makes a real difference is a hero. it’s the villain that’s difficult to decifer

Answer #6

Your an idiot… It’s a rhetorical question… Well maybe because I know the answer to this.. But it seems you don’t… Come on man… Apply your thoughts to my question a bit more.. There is a hidden motive in everything I do..

Answer #7

Neither? A hero is someone you admire and aspire to be gain the qualities that person has that you find commendable. Why would you love them unconditionally? Or give up your pride and self respect?

Answer #8

A hero is someone who risks one’s self for the sake of others.

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