What is a guy's perspective on this?

There’s this guy in my choir class that I REALLYYY like, but we’re both REALLY shy. I have a friend that I’m sure would try and set us up if I asked, but would that be weird? If so, how do I talk to him? What do I say? Should I just randomly go up and talk to him, or would that be weird? Should I maybe trip or something in front of him so he’ll help me up? How do I get him to ask me out or talk to me?

Answer #1

well the easiest way is to go up to him plain and simple its way easier for the both of you yes it seems hard and daugting but trust me you will be happy

Answer #2

um well talk to him more. say hi to him everyday, and dont ask your friend to hook you guys up becaus the guy might not like that kind of stuff

Answer #3

Like say hey in the hall ways or something listen to wrods of his conversations and say what did you do something like that JUST DONT have a friend ask him out for you because thats saying you need people to talk for you in a realation ship ummm.. if you have gym with him show off play what he plays etc sit close to his table at lunch hope it helped

Answer #4

Ask him how much a polar bear weighs if he says he doesn’t know tell him it’s enough to break the ice! Haha He’ll laugh, it shows your funny, then you can tell him the story of how you found the joke… From me! :)

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