What is a good anime?

I just finished the serise “Deathnote” and absoultly loved it. Although since I enjoyed it so much every other anime seems to suck. So if you know of any other animes that have a lot of thought put in them, mabey a lot to do with the law as well such a Deathnot did, then that would be great! I don’t really like Blood+ or Bleach so please don’t recomend those. Thanks ! :)

Answer #1

I just went through the first season of Desert Punk and enjoyed it. It’s a pretty clever comedy series if you want a break from gore.

Answer #2

I really liked Tokko…a horror series which was short lived, but good. Fooly Cooly was another short but sweet series, but not for everyone (hard to explain that one, I guess you’d call it sci fi).

Answer #3

yeahh well I watched Chobits which I thought was amazing, and then the same thing happened to me, I just thought everything else like Bleach and such were really crap! I do like Chobits, it’s pretty good if you wanna check it out … I think I might check out Deathnote! (: haha.

good luck (:

Answer #4

I would actually recommend Full Metal Alchemist. its about two brothers who tried to bring their mother back using alchemy. Ed the older brother lost his right arm and his left leg and Alfonse lost his entire body to equvalent exchange the one rule to alchemy. Now they search for the folossifer stone which can commit alchemy without equivalent exchange in hopes to restore there bodys back to the way they were.

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