What is a fringe?

Its something to do with your hair or soemthing? I really wanto know soo that if I like it I can get it :)

Answer #1

Also known as bangs. Yeah fringes are just the part of your hair that covers your forehead.. And theres LOADS of different kinds. Once you’ve got one (a sweeping one) its easy to chop and change it into different styles too.

Answer #2

yeah it’s a hair thing..it’s what people call a “emo” thing…it’s like a swoosh(lol) of hair covering one eye

Answer #3

Fringe are those hair covering your face? Yupp. There’s short and long fringe. ^^

Answer #4

yeah, theres lots of different types of fringes, I have a diffierent one quite often, I just got a new one :)

Answer #5


Not necessarily, a fringe is a part of hair shorter then the rest, that is normally in your face, most of the time it will start just above or on your eyebrows, and sweep however long you like it. It can be cut to the side (some people call that emo, most call it a side fringe or side bangs) or straight. Personally, my fringe can be arranged as a straight fringe (straight bangs) or a side fringe, it starts just above my eyebrows and the longest it gets to is just after my eyes, but then I have some longer bits on the side. When its straight its just below my eyebrows, but how long or short you want it is to be decided by yourself, you may not suit having a really short one.

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