What is a cool color for hair

Ok so im a goth kid in JR high and I want to dye my hair a crazy color and I need to know what cool color it should be and it cant go well with chocolate brown

Answer #1

Purple !!

Answer #2

its not to fit a stereotype but to stand out in a crowd.

Answer #3

I agree with blue and black hair tbh good luck xxx

Answer #4

hm.. try lime green :) thats my all time favorite color :)

Answer #5

Whatever you want. You don’t have to have a certain hairstyle to fit in a certain stereotype/label. Have your hair however you want to without caring what others think.

Answer #6

well, for a guy, dark hair looks best with a bit of blonde in it. for a girl, I would say pink hair with blonde highlights or blonde with pink highlights. that would still be gothic but sexy! :)

Answer #7

Junior high?

Don’t dye it /too/ crazy of a color.

And you don’t have to dye your hair to fit your stereotype.

Answer #8

its all depending on the skin tone you cant just get any color in your thats not matching you skin tone because it will definitely go bad for you so if your sort of pale of creme, you should try a dark color like maybe purple but not the head try dying you hair black and the middle section purple if not get back to me.

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