What if the backstreet boys had of taken a different approach?

I know Backstreet Boys and Spice Girls seem totally lame now, but look how well the Spice Girl’s come back went. They did a lot of selling out which is awesome for them. But the Backstreet boys tried to make a return and its like nobody really cared. The thing is the when the Backstreet Boys came back they tried to make cool new catchy songs which didn’t do too well - and the Spice Girls sang songs that topped the charts years ago that people knew them for.

Do you think if the Backsteet Boys had of taken the approach the Spice Girls did they would have been big news like the Spice Girls were?

Answer #1

Dude, I still love the backstreet boys!(: I think they could have made it…

I wish they would have. Or at least stayed as kinda famous. I had their tee-shirts + everythinggg. Hahaha.

Answer #2

I think they would have I wouldhave gone to the shows and sang the songs just like I did years ago into the hairbrush with my sister singing into the remote control…hahahahaha…good times!!!

Answer #3

I think they would have made a better come back then they used the same approach as the Spice Girls. They could have started out singing most of their old songs with just a few of the new ones mixed in and then kind of gradually transitioned to more of their newer songs.

Answer #4

The new album is WAYYY better then their old stuff. Radio just didn’t play it. The record company didn’t release the right songs either!

Answer #5

I would have too! Haha… Too bad they didn’t do it that way though, bo0o.

Answer #6

Yeah, I think if they would’ve just sang their old songs it would’ve went better.

Answer #7

I like their old stuff, maybe they should have stuck to that…

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