What if I have no chance?

I have, no joke, liked this girl for 6 months. And I’m in 8th grade, so its a long time. I have already gone out with her, twice, but I havent now for months and I miss her every time I move. I dream about her, I write about her, and basically she penetrates every pore of my body. She’s in most of my classes but I cant seem to ever get to talk to her. Sometimes I think she’s smiling at me, but its always just at a joke someone told her. I’m starting to lose hope. She’s dated like 5 guys but none of them lasted for more than about a week (both times we lasted 2 months, the second one was 3), and I cant help wondering who the next one will be. On the rare occasion I do get to talk to her all I can do is stand and smile dumbly and her jokes, without cracking any of my own. I’m known for being a funny guy, (that was how I got her before) and without that I’m nothing. I know how to get over nerves and stuff, I’m usually a total flirt, but around her… things are just different. It’s like I want her to like me so bad that I can’t do anything about it. Also her best friend has liked me for quite a while, so I know she knows I exist. I’m thinking that I pretty much have no shot of getting her back again. Is that a good assumption? I know hope springs eternal, but mine is running dry. Please, if you have any advice for me, give it. -Charlie

Answer #1

if it didnt work the first to times it wont work out the third time move on date other gurls and actlike your over her that willget ha back for sure if anything funmail me for more info ps. im in the eight grade too

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