What if?

I feel like a bad person because I think that my feelings for another guy… might be overpowering my feelings for my boyfriend! But I don’t want to break up with my boyfriend because I don’t want to hurt him! :( and it doesnt help that the other guy likes me too, and lives near me. we hang out a lot so its hard to ignore my feelings for him! im confused, majorly. guys- would you rather a girl tell you that she liekd another guy,or hide it. girls- what would you do?

Answer #1

I think its better 4 you 2 tell him da truth because if your just with him 2 not hurt him den your going 2 hurt him more like that so if you think you like the otherguy more den just break up wit your boyfriend

Answer #2

I think that your feelings sound much stronger for your guyfriend then your boyfriend. I think honestly that you should go out with the guyfriend. but thats my opinion. but its your choice. I mean it sounds like you cant think about the guyfriend as more. I say try it out with the guyfriend. it might work. and it sounds like he really likes you. and you really like him too. more then you might think right now. xoxoTina

Answer #3

I think that your feelings sound much stronger for your guyfriend then your boyfriend. I think honestly that you should go out with the guyfriend. but thats my opinion. but its your choice. I mean it sounds like you cant think about the guyfriend as more. I say try it out with the guyfriend. it might work. and it sounds like he really likes you. and you really like him too. more then you might think right now. xoxoTina

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