What I should do about the one I love most?

This is really hard for me. Just thought id ask for some advice and someones opinion. Its long to explain so if you have the time I would really appreciate it.

So im with this guy and we have been together for about nine months. Just recently we got in this huge fight, it was all my fault, I did something wrong. He forgave me and now were finally back to the way we are.

Lately though… at school he treats me like I dont even exist. He never comes up to me and says hi to me, hes too busy with his friends. So in that case I am the one who will go up to him first and when I try to give him a hug he kinda pushes me back and tells me no. He doesnt do it out of anger its just to make me mad I guess… I don’t know. At the end of school, we always talk with a bunch of friends. buttt, he usually ignores me and when its time to go he will give me a hug but NEVER kisses me.

It just seems as if he never pays attention to me or doesnt even care to talk at school. I feel like our relationship only takes place at his house. Thats when he gives me attention and actually acts like he wants to talk to me.

We have been together for nine months and he treats me like this.. I don’t know I just kinda expect more. I want to talk to him about it but he always gets so mad when I bring up an issue.

I really dont want to lose him, I love him. but im sick of the way he ignores me and acts like I dont exist at school.

What should I do? Any advice?

Answer #1
  • Just try talking to him . It won’t hurt you . It’s your relationship and you wanna make it stronger if he doesn’t want that than what’s the point ? But , Don’t break up with him . Guys are like that . Not trying to be good , Trying to impress friends . Don’t let it bug you he will come aroundd .. Try talking to him . Communication is key .
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