What should my conformation name be?

So I’m making my conformation in April.. I think.. and I have to pick a name for conformation I’m open to both boy&girl names if you could just tell me which you chose and why? Thank you :)

Answer #1

I thought you were supposed to pick saint’s names or is that considered old fashion now?

Most of the Catholics I know choose the name of a saint they particularly admired or identified with.

Answer #2

I like shyla because you dont hear it to much I also like keran because its a cute name

Answer #3

Thanks guys! I ended up picking St. Winifred if you care

Answer #4

yes I picked mary Magdalen

Answer #5

if you are making your CONFIRMATION, maybe you should first learn to spell it correctly.

You are supposed to pick a saints name.

Answer #6

Has your pastor asked you if Jesus is your Lord and Savior? If He is, then by the time your confirmation day comes, He will have convicted you of nasty language, and cleaned you up from the inside out! Living for the Lord as a peculiar display these days is STILL noble! Whatever is true, whatever is noteworthy, whatever is pure, right, lovely, admirable- think about such things- Philippians 4:8. Rejoice in the Lord, He will see you through all your situations. A name for confirmation? Your whole name, of course!

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