What happened to me

U know I just took a step back and looked at myself and was stunned at what I saw. I realized that I’ve become an argumentative, insecure, a$$hole. I don’t know how I got that way but I really started to evalutate my situation when I relized that out of my 243 people in my phone book, I could only call 2-3 max to hang out. All the others would tell me to get lost. I dont know how I got that way. Before I was charming and likable but now I’m just a piece of sh*t nothing more nothing less. What happened, what caused these changes, how do I change back?

Answer #1

Sometimes we spend so much time focusing on ourselves and our desires that we lose sight of what’s happening around us.

You’ve realized that you don’t like the person you’ve become, and that’s a good start. Now start making changes.

A good way to start that might be to call those people who you won’t call and make the necessary retributions for whatever it is that caused them to dislike you.

It’s important you take it one step at a time, though - if you try to do a complete 180 right away, you’ll get overwhelmed and revert back to the person you don’t want to be.

Answer #2

Make up for the wrongs you did - need to apologize, do so - what really helped me, I got involved in church and made some true, great friends - learned the road I should be on in Life…I wish you the best !!

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