What Does this Mean?

Ok the other day me and my friend where lying on my bed well unexpectedly she started fingering me. I didnt know what to do I was horny so I just went along with it and started fingering her. She gave me an orgasm. Does this mean im a lesbian. I have no sexual attraction to girls I have always liked boys. But she gave me an orgasm.

Answer #1

Is she a lesbian? and no it doesnt mean your a lesbian, a lesbian is something more then a girl giving you an orgasm, you two were obviously in the heat of things, and just got very close with each other but just talk to her, and talk about what happened, and just say to her, that you dont want to go there again, and explain, that you are only attracted to boys. Just put it behind you after that, and carry on with things, and eventhough she gave you an orgasm, it doesnt mean now your a lesbian okiee =)

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