What does this mean ?

Soft wind to a wailing gail Whips the clouds into the shape Before them. A towering gothic cathedral Fit for god himself to dwell… The funnelcloud a grand hall Cumulonimbus swirled into flying buttresses of impossible size The altar music slow and soft into pounding thunder That shakes the foundations of its witness to the core

Dropping his finger he shapes the land with Utter destruction He carves the earth As he wills.

Leaving the crying children

And the fallen husbands

To find their way home…

Answer #1

The first part is all about weather, how clouds are formed by the extremes soft wind on one side to a wailing gale (not gail) on the other…A cumulonimbus is a very tall cloud (towering gothic cathederal?) the music of the weather (have you ever been out in a storm and listened to it? Have you felt the effect of thunder on you? You feel it more than hear it…

The earth belw us was carved by weather - storms, rain, lighning.

As for the children & husbands finding their way home, who knows? I could guess, but that’s all it would be…

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