What does this mean?

(she’s 13 im 15) Ok last night I told this girl how I felt I told her everything and she said it was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to her and it made her cry and so she said she would think about it and so I talk to her today she said once again it was the sweetest thing anyone has told her and that I was an amazing guy but she doesn’t feel the same way which sucks to here but im ok with that but she feels horrible about it and keeps asking if im ok does this mean she could possibly have a change of heart?

Answer #1

I went through the same thing. right now she probally want chnge her mind but if you remain close to her an be there 4 her when she needs you then mybe in the future she will change her mind. … my girlfriend now did this to me lol

Answer #2

no it doesn’t she probably feels the same way she did before. I once did the same thing to a boy but he just didnt get it and kept bugging me about it.

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