What does this dream about war mean?

I’m being dragged through a war zone and I have holes in me and blood is spilling out of me and leaving a trail and then I slowly lose the ability to move and talk and then they think I’m dead and they bury me alive. Dream number two:

Answer #1

well you gotta break it down section by section: what does war mean to you? does the trail of blood have a significance?

you slowly use the ability to talk or move.. so you’re paralyzed, pretty much, and they think you’re dead and bury you. what happened before you lost your ability to move?? do you feel this way in life at all?

Answer #2

well dreams dont nesacerly mean anything its something that you had to of been thinking about before you went to sleep . or a movie you watched today .

Answer #3

dreams do mean things. but they could be broken up into 3 categories.

dreams of element you have already been exposed too

or things that could set a message of your feelings about your situations in life.

or could describe a future tence in life. that known as a deja vu expireancee

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