What does my boyfriend mean?

Okay I have two things I need advice on. Alrighty soo my boyfriend always says stuff about marriage a crap like that. he says he wants to be together for a longg time. I never can tell if he is joking about staying with me or nott. like I feel like he is serious but then I dont. he does love me and I can so tell too cause he says it all th time. like what is he sayingg? then he is also a year older than I am soo he will be going to college soon. and he is going all the wayy to washington dc for college which is 800 miles away from where we both live right now. I know we were talking about a long distance relationship, but I dont know if I can handle being away from him like especially that far away. Like we see each other soo much right now as it is, and I cant imagine him not being thre. soo I was thinking iwould drive up there like twice a month. what do you think? he said he wants me to go to college with him when I get to college time but I dont have the grades like he does. I am maybee a 3.1-3.2 student and he is like a 4.0 . so I feel like if I were to go out there for college we obviously wouldnt be able to go to the same college. its a lot to think about. I really really want to be with him soo muchh like he is my everythingg. help me pleasee!

Answer #1

true love prevails. if he is serious about you two being together then it should all work out right. it would be pritty expensive to drive that far twice a month. but I don’t know your money sisution so I don’t know. if you have the money then yes its a very good idea. I hoped I helped. ~matt777

Answer #2

Well I’m 12 so you shouldn’t take advicefrom me but maybe you can have an open relationship for the next 4 years. You’ll see eachother on the holidays but you can see other people when your not together. But that’s heart breaking tothink about it’s just an option

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