What does L'Shana Tova mean?

I read that in an email newsletter I subscribe to…what does L’Shana Tova mean?

Answer #1

Oh I have no clue, I’m not jewish, I dont know much about them either. That’s just what came up when I searched for the meaning. It could be though, I know some places, their year starts at different times than ours does. So it’s possible. Or maybe their just getting ahead of the game early lol.

Answer #2

…Ok…so, this is new year for Jewish people then? (sorry, didn’t know).

Answer #3

it means “To a good year” It’s the greeting for Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Instead of using the solar calendar, Jews use a lunar calendar with different months. Rosh Hashanah usually falls around September/October. It starts tomorrow night.

Answer #4

“L’shanah Tova!” – may you have a good new year

It’s a Judiasm saying.

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